Play 猎魔

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猎魔 game overview

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猎魔 game review

猎魔 is an mmorpg game developed by 北京天成胜境科技有限公司 for the PC platform. Features include: casual, rpg, mmorpg, mmo, rpg, 3d, drama, player vs player, co-op, online co-op, free to play, multiplayer, in-app purchases. You will have access to such game modes as "massive multiplayer" and "multiplayer".

Worldwide, 猎魔 is distributed free of charge by the publisher 北京天成胜境科技有限公司. At the moment, the game stage is launched, and its release date is 01/08/2021. You can find out about the possibility of downloading 猎魔 for free, including via torrent, on the official website.

MMOTOP.ORG hasn't made a 猎魔 rating yet. The game is distributed in the Steam store, whose users have not yet left reviews.

The official description of the game reads:

"曾 几何时 , 骚年人 心 中 有 一 个 猎杀魔物 的 , 在 《猎魔》 恶魔 遍布 的 , 你 的 可 实现。 你 就 看 酷炫 技能 , 这 奇妙 诡谲 的 , 买 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 不 HI吃亏 买 不 了 上 当。 你 看 , 同 各 类 神 缔结 契约 , 进行 美妙 互动 ; 还 能 参与 世界 世界 世界 战 爬塔 镇压 , 虐杀 魔物 就 在 此刻 ; 跨服 , 抢占 城池 圣域 驻守 驻守 驻守 驻守 驻守 驻守 驻守 驻守 驻守 驻守 驻守 驻守 驻守 驻守 驻守 AH ,成一方霸主;还有同服竞技,看谁不爽,上手PK,当个战无不胜的武神,岂不妙哉!少年,你如风,你如雾,潇洒就是如此的简单!快,来这一场说走就走的冒险吧!"

猎魔 System Requirements

Will be added later

猎魔 guides & wiki

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猎魔 private servers

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