Play 《蜀山:初章》买断版

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《蜀山:初章》买断版 game overview

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《蜀山:初章》买断版 is a game developed by 重楼工作室 for the PC platform. The project combines such genres and elements as mmorpg and sandbox. Additionally, players highlight such features of the game as mmo, open world, roguelike and role-playing game. The game is designed for multiplayer only in game modes such as "massive multiplayer" and "multiplayer".

Worldwide, the game is distributed on a one-time purchase model. The game was published by 成都忆墨轩科技有限公司. At the moment, the game stage is launched, and its release date is 11/17/2022. You cannot download 《蜀山:初章》买断版 for free, including via torrent, because the game is distributed according to the one-time purchase model.

MMOTOP.ORG has not yet 《蜀山:初章》买断版' rating. The game is distributed in the Steam store, whose users have not yet left reviews.

The official description of the game reads:

"这 是 一 款 东方 特色 开放 世界 游戏 ; 虚幻 虚幻 制作 制作 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 无缝 大 地图 海陆空 战斗 冒险 探索 、 自由度 角色 养成 、 大 据点 门派 经营 等等 ; 版本 同时 同时 同时 同时 同时 同时 同时 同时 同时 同时 同时 同时包括单人模式及多人在线模式等玩法。(付费点卡)

《蜀山:初章》买断版 news

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