Play Asta

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Asta game overview

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Asta game review

2012 was remembered for the impressive presentation by the Korean company NHN of their new project on the Cry Engine 3. The game was Asta and did not hesitate to position itself as a premium class project and the Korean "World of Warcraft."

Asta - Asian fantasy with factional confrontation already familiar to us. On the one hand, the faction of Light will come out, and dragons, tigers, and people will protect their colors. On the other hand, foxes will represent the dark side. They are the evil version of people.

The authors of this product assured players and critics that they are waiting for global confrontations, large-scale raids, and a developed crafting system. The trick will be the reincarnation of the characters.

The project existed in Korea until 2015, after which it was closed. But the baton was taken over by the western division of Webzen, which took the remaining ownerless MMORPG under its wing and announced a version for the European market.

The closure of Asta in Korea has less to do with the quality of the game itself than with NHN's desire to get rid of client projects and switch entirely to mobile games.

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