Play Black Gold Online

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Black Gold Online game overview

Black Gold Online
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Overview of the game Black Gold Online

Snail Games, a Chinese developer company, is working on the Black Gold MMORPG. The game creators have set themselves and the players an increased task: to push fantasy and steampunk heads together and to answer the question of what is cooler: fireballs or cannonballs.

World of Black Gold

Black Gold will tell us about a world consisting of two territories (Erlandir and Eisenhorst), between which there is a massive mountain range. The dimensions of these mountains are so impressive that, leaving one part of the earth to bathe in the sun's rays, they covered the other with their endless shadow. The solar luminary helped to form in the territory of Erlandir a priceless mineral with magical properties called "Black Gold" (Black Gold). The life of all the inhabitants of the bright lands, namely the three races - Humans, Brutes, and Koshy - entirely relies on this matter.

In the realm of shadows

In the realm of shadows, in Eisenhorst, races of people, dwarves, and vampires settled, creating the Steam Alliance. The basis of this civilization was the power of steam created with the help of crystalline coal. However, its reserves began to be depleted, and the Steam Alliance had no choice but to look for new energy sources. This search led them to Erlanger, where the more fortunate citizens enjoyed warmth and wealth. A fierce war ensued, in which we had to participate, supporting one of the parties.


Black Gold has 12 classes - 6 for each side. Each of them has unique mechanics. For example, the mecha knight focuses on armor, which can be upgraded by adding various attachments. And for a magician, the basis of the gameplay is the creation of multiple effects using a combination of skills.

The two-faction system involves the confrontation of players, for which several PvP modes are offered: arena, battlefield, energy well, greed hall, instances, and others. By combining their players' efforts, large alliances can build and use massive steam fortresses.

Black Gold is an exciting mix of classic fantasy and steampunk on an RvR system's rails. If this sounds tempting to you, then it's time to try this MMORPG from Chinese game developers, who already have a severe Kung Fu Legends project behind them.

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