Play EVE EchoesEVE Online: Infinite Galaxy

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EVE EchoesEVE Online: Infinite Galaxy game overview

EVE EchoesEVE Online: Infinite Galaxy
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Review of the game EVE Echoes

EVE Echoes (EVE: Infinite Galaxy) is a mobile game in the EVE Online universe made in the sandbox genre by CCP Games. Initially, the project will be released in China under the wing of NetEase, and then spread throughout the world.

Players are given a huge galaxy to develop and explore. You can do this with one of the hundred different spacecraft that stand for any corporation. Large-scale battles, ship customization, trade, mining, and many other features are also planned.

By the way, the project's Android engine is NeoX, which is NetEase's own development. iOS uses ARKit 2.

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