Play Lineage M

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Lineage M game overview

Lineage M
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Overview of the game Lineage M

Lineage M is a port of the original Lineage for mobile devices from the same company NCSOFT. By the way, the first part was released back in 1998 and still occupies a leading position in terms of the number of playing users in Korea.

The project is almost the same as the original: the same raids, an isometric view, dungeons, joining clans, seven classes, a developed political and economic system that allows you to seize land, as well as set tax fees, no level limit (possibility of endless pumping), huge the number of non-repeating quests and crafting of unique items, some of which, by the way, in the original Lineage could only be present in a single copy. The main changes affected the interface - it was optimized for mobile devices so that users can feel comfortable in the new format.

In general, Lineage M can easily pay off in the first month after the release in Korea, but it's hard to say about other regions, because the PC version was closed there for a long time. This means that NCSOFT will think several times before taking such a step.

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