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Lineage W game overview

Lineage W
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Overview of the game Lineage W

Lineage W is an MMORPG from NCSOFT, presented in August 2021 at a special conference. The project is made in the Lineage universe, and the plot takes place 150 years after the events of the original in the world of Aden.

So far, the game has four classes: lord, knight, fairy or wizard. There is also a character editor with full customization. As for the gameplay, the developers have implemented the classic isometric gameplay of Lineage, including in terms of battles. There are also large-scale sieges, PvP battles, dungeons, a favorite of many grinds, and all this on a fresh engine.

From a completely new one: one common server for all regions, which means common battlefields, communication. There is even a function to translate voice chat to text for a more convenient real-time interaction. The latter feature is implemented thanks to the new artificial intelligence NCSOFT. The authors also finally allowed the game to run through the official PURPLE emulator on a PC, which is downloaded separately.

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