Play Moonrise

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Moonrise game overview

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Game review Moonrise

Moonrise is a MMORPG with a focus on breeding pets and fighting for peace, using these same pets. The plot is based on a long-standing feud between species that worship the Sun and the Moon, or Solari and Lunari. Sleepwalkers were less fortunate in the war, as people took the side of the sun lovers, which resulted in the numerical superiority of the latter.

In order to control pets, gamers have six slots at their disposal, but only three can be taken into battle at a time. The fights in the game unfold in real time and this requires serious muscular preparation, since there are no hot buttons in a visible place. In fact, all attempts result in maniacal clicking on the skills of the character and his apprentice, which leads to rapid fatigue.

Of the pluses, we note the two-level pumping of animals, as well as the evolution system along with the usual levels. However, the development of pets is possible only in a team (when it is in the slot). In total, gamers are given a choice of more than one hundred and twenty assistants, from the simplest to the most complex, such as snake lizards or pigrats.

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