During the technical test of the MMORPG Throne and Liberty, the first castle siege took place.


During the technical test of the MMORPG Throne and Liberty, the first castle siege took place.

During the technical test of the MMORPG Throne and Liberty, the first siege of Stonegard Castle took place. It’s worth noting that this is a test version of the siege, and some mechanics may change by the release. Unfortunately, the demonstration of gameplay footage from the test is prohibited, but we have used the experience from Korean tests to inform guilds about this event.

The siege can be divided into three stages: the outer wall, the inner wall, and the throne room. The first two stages require siege golems. Before the siege, there is a 15-minute stage for positioning, and the siege itself lasts for 45 minutes. There are several ways to enter the castle: through the central gates or the secondary gates on the eastern side.

The castle map was taken from the May Korean test.

For the test siege, Amazon Games appointed the guild that ranked first in the rating as the castle owner. Other guilds could freely enter the siege zone and participate in the event. There are 4 flags located in front of the castle, and after capturing them, guild members can teleport to the flag, and guild officers can transform into siege golems. During the siege, another guild can capture the flag.

Free PvP is active throughout the siege zone, allowing players from different alliances to engage in combat. However, if the attacking guild is allied with the castle owner, they cannot fight each other but can capture the throne and become the new castle owner.

To capture the castle, it is necessary to hold the throne room for three minutes and protect the player who is directly capturing the throne. During the siege, the castle may change hands multiple times between clans, but ultimately the owner will be the one who controls the throne at the end of the siege.

The global publisher previously announced that castle sieges would occur once every two weeks upon the game’s release. The castle owner receives pleasant bonuses, including the increased chance to deal with and evade heavy attacks, the ability to collect taxes through a special event, as well as resources for the guild.

Unfortunately, I cannot access external content such as videos. However, you can find the castle and surrounding territories in the video provided by Steparu.