Localization, gacha system and multiplayer - Sword of Convallaria developers answered players' questions



Localization, gacha system and multiplayer – Sword of Convallaria developers answered players’ questions

The tactical RPG called Sword of Convallaria was last seen at the last Games to Be festival. Since then, players have accumulated many questions that they addressed to the developers. Therefore, XD Entertainment studio decided to answer some of them.

Release date

“These developers will talk about anything but the release date, haha. All kidding aside, I’m really looking forward to this game and hope that the longer they take to develop it, the better it turns out, so let’s hope for a solid launch (whenever that happens).”

We understand the impatience surrounding the release date. This is also one of our main priorities. The decision to delay was made with the long-term quality of the game in mind. We will announce the release date as soon as possible. Your patience is very important to us!

Localization quality and language support

“Egregious inconsistencies in translations, whether grammatical or linguistic, leave a sour taste when trying to delve into any of the available stories.”

“Please add German/French/Italian/Portuguese/Vietnamese/…”

“Perhaps there will be an English voice-over in the full release.”

Your feedback on localization and language support inconsistencies is invaluable. We are committed to improving the English localization to meet standards and are exploring the possibility of supporting additional languages ​​based on community requests. Stay tuned for future localization plans!

Character Customization

“When will we get character customization?”

We are actively working on creating skins and a customization system, although the completion date has not yet been determined. We really appreciate your patience and support while we develop these features!

Gacha/recruits in story mode

“Are there gacha/random recruits in story mode?”

Rest assured, there is no gacha system in story mode. The recruitment system works independently of monetization, following classic TRPG mechanics. Our goal is to provide a rewarding experience free of Pay-to-Win elements.

User Interface Improvement

“The interface seems very similar to mobile”

Recognizing that the user interface is mobile-first, we are actively redesigning it to better suit all platforms. Ultimately, each platform will have its own user interface designed for the best user experience.

Campaign key system

“How fast/how long do you have to grind online to get campaign keys?”

We have developed a system whereby players will be able to earn keys by logging into the game regularly, providing access to the single-player campaign. Your long-term involvement will benefit both the community and our ongoing development.

Playable main character

“Is it possible to make the main character playable?”

We initially did not plan to make the main character playable, but we are willing to consider this possibility based on player feedback. Stay tuned for updates on this feature!

Multiplayer mode

“Are you planning a multiplayer mode in the future?”

We are currently developing a PVP mode for playing with friends and will be gauging player interest to determine future competitive formats. Your participation shapes the direction of our multiplayer development.

Sword of Convallaria is being developed for PC and mobile devices running iOS and Android.