Remember of Majesty is in great demand among both players and scammers



Remember of Majesty is in great demand among both players and scammers

The limited release of the cross-platform MMORPG ROM: Remember of Majesty attracted the attention of players, including not the most honest ones. Let us remind you that the game became available in 10 countries on February 27, 2023, and interest in the game turned out to be very high. At the end of the first week, the project took third place in sales on Google Play in two key markets: South Korea and Taiwan.

But, as it turned out, the game faced not only great interest from players but also dishonest players. In ten days since the release, the developers carried out 4 waves of access restrictions, and in total more than 83 thousand accounts were blocked. The main reason is stated to be “abnormal gaming using multiple accounts or using illegal programs and access methods not provided by the gaming company.” This includes both attempts to cheat and access to the game from regions where it is not officially launched.

Separately, the developers noted the situation with chargebacks. Some players make purchases of premium currency (“diamonds”), then make in-game purchases or send these “diamonds” to other players. After a while, they issue a refund to Google Play for the purchase of goods and services. According to the developers, this could undermine the game economy, devaluing the “diamonds”. Therefore, it was decided to increase the requirements for accessing the auction and sending gifts. Characters above level 50 can now sell goods, and characters above level 40 can buy goods. And you can send or receive a gift only after reaching level 60.

This was done to complicate the activities of scammers selling services for replenishing premium currency on third-party services and to protect players. After all, in case of payment withdrawal, the account will be blocked by the company’s operating policy.