The abilities of the new agent Clove from Valorant have become known



The abilities of the new agent Clove from Valorant have become known

Following the announcement of the next agent in the multiplayer first-person shooter Valorant named Clove, the developers rushed to share details. They published a detailed description of the abilities, accompanied by a video demonstration.

Clove’s skills are as follows:

  • It’s too early to die (X) – Clove defies death by activating his essence of immortality. To stabilize its form, the agent must drain the enemy’s life energy.
  • Trick (E) – Clove can show the battlefield from above. Using his ability, the agent creates clouds that obscure his vision, changing the tide of battle even if he dies.
  • Intervention (Q) – Clove uses a fragment of the essence of immortality, which, when thrown, destroys the life force of those hit by the explosion.
  • Recharge (C) – Clove absorbs the life energy of a dead enemy, gaining increased speed and health for a while.

If you want to know more details about Clove’s skills, we recommend that you read the article on the official website, available in Russian.

The developers have also published a music trailer for Clove, located below. The video features the song 2WORLDS performed by singer Madge.