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Lineage game overview

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Overview of the game Lineage

Lineage is a cult MMORPG from the Korean company NCSoft. This game brought fame to NCsoft and remains the most profitable project of the company to this day. Lineage appeared in 1998 and immediately became the main competitor of Ultima Online MMORPG, which was popular then. The creator of Lineage is Jake Song, who later founded the studio XLGAMES, which created ArcheAge and Civilization Online.

Lineage is built in an isometric view and is somewhat reminiscent of a large-scale version of Diablo with many classes and a vast world. The leading entertainment in Lineage is endless grinding, boss farming, clan wars, and sieges of fortresses such as Heine, Giran, and Aden. These names are familiar to any fan of the series. The leading suppliers of unique items are bosses and epic bosses; however, the drop rate of such things is relatively low. Currently, Lineage's English-language servers are closed, but the game is still thriving in its homeland of Korea.

Lineage news

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Lineage guides & wiki

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